Graduation Application

Graduation identifies the completion of the requirements necessary for the conferring of a degree or certificate. The B.H. Carroll Theological Institute confers degrees five times each academic year when course requirements are completed for each Alpha, Emmanuel, Paschal, Omega, and Summer term. All coursework must be completed by the end of the anticipated graduation term. Therefore, this application should be initiated with sufficient advance notice to receive instructions and complete capstone requirements.

Commencement is the ceremonial exercise during which graduates are sent forth to practice in their fields of study. B.H. Carroll's annual Commencement exercise coincides with the Convocation at the close of every Omega term. All degrees conferred within the academic calendar year will be publicly announced at the following Convocation, and every recipient is encouraged to participate in that Commencement Ceremony.

Application for graduation is required, regardless of participation in the Commencement and Convocation Ceremony. The application and fee are required to complete the conferring of the degree on a transcript.

Required for Graduation.

  • Completed Graduation Application.
  • All degree requirements met.
  • Graduation fee paid.
  • Graduating Student Survey completed.
  • High resolution picture uploaded.

Required for participation in Commencement and Convocation Ceremony.

  • All items listed above.
  • 150-word bio.
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